- November 15, 2021
- Posted by: Admin
- Category: News
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On 15 November 2021, School of Development Economics, NIDA, and School of Engineering, KMITL, jointly organized the 2020 Financial Engineering Open House at Jira Boonmak Auditorium, NIDA. The event consisted of seminar talks on careers in financial engineering and an introduction to the KMITL-NIDA Double Degree Program in Financial Engineering. Speakers of the talks included
- Mr. Jirayut Srupsrisopa (Founder and CEO, Bitkub Capital Group Holding)
- Mr. Sam Tanskul (Managing Director, Krungsri Finnovate)
- Mr. Surashate Sriwattanakulwong (CEO, Innotech Asset Management)
- Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nada Chunsom (Vice President for Academic Affairs, NIDA)
- Assoc.Prof.Dr. Amornrat Apinunmahakul (Dean, School of Development Economics, NIDA)
- Assoc.Prof.Dr. Somyot Kaitvanitvilai (Dean, School of Engineering, NIDA)
- Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pariyada Sukcharoensin (Associate Dean, School of Development Economics, NIDA)
- Dr. Pimprapai Thainiam (Director of B.Eng. in Financial Engineering Program, School of Engineering, KMITL)
- Moderator: Asst.Prof.Dr. Saran Sarntisart (Director of M.Sc. in Financial Economics Program, School of Development Economics, NIDA)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3