KMITL-NIDA to organize 2022 FinTech talks on 5 and 12 November

KMITL-NIDA Financial Engineering program is organizing a series of talks on Financial Technology in Thailand on 5 and 12 November 2022. This event is open to the public and is free of charge.

This talk series is recommended for the general audiences who would like to learn about current topics and issues in Financial Technology in Thailand, as well as high-school students who would like to learn about financial technology and are deciding whether to take an undergraduate study in this field. Participants who attend all lecture sessions on both days will be given certificates.

We are grateful to have many experts from the industry and the government to give talks on various topics of current interest. Please see below for the program and venues. Note that the talks on both days are conducted in Thai language.

Registration is required and can be made at

Program of FinTech Talks 2022

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